some resolutions for a new last start

So I’m finally starting my last semester at QC. ^^ I always dreamed that by this time I would be able to fit all of my courses into two days, have five days off and accomplish the amazing feat of reversing the normal school/work week. Totally did not happen (I have classes 4 days a week and 2 night courses that end at 9:20…). But I hope that some of the other graduating seniors had better luck. ^^ Well, now that my undergraduate career is ending, I am excited, a little sad, and rather daunted about what will follow. I spent most of my winter break finishing grad school applications, which took an insane amount of time but I’m glad they are all over and done with. =] Now there is just the excruciating waiting process left, but not to dwell on such depressing topics…I had a blast catching up with friends, meeting new people, eating out ALOT, and just bumming around at home ^^ (one of my all time favorite activities). The break of course flew by and before I knew it, I am here in school, yet again. But because this is my last semester and I have to make this one really count I decided to write my blog about some new 2010 resolutions, a list of things that I always wanted to do but never had a chance to or never really put too much effort into doing. So here goes…

1. Participate in class more. ^^ I have a pretty shy and quiet classroom personality so this is something I have to really work on. I generally rely on my papers/exam grades to do well in a course but speaking is important too (it’s supposed to help you feel more involved in a class ^^). And since I’m taking a huge bio lecture with hundreds of other students that’s probably the only way the professor is going to remember my name (yes I totally procrastinated taking my lab requirement all the way until my last semester, not something I particularly recommend…).

2. This sort of goes hand in hand with #1: Overcome my fear of visiting professors during their office hours. >_< I over-rely on email but face recognition is probably a huge plus in any class and I am sure most of the professors are really nice =]

3. Hmm…this may be the toughest one yet…Stop procrastinating with my work. If only there weren't so many tools for procrastination available…twitter, youtube, anime and asian dramas (haha that's probably just me), facebook (just recently learned that it's possible to temporarily disable your site, my friend did that while she was studying for the mcats, so hopefully this will be a helpful tip for the fb-obssessed), yea the list goes on and on but will try to be strong ^^

4. Be more involved on campus. =] I totally plan to attend more cliq events and take advantage of the free food and informational talks ^^ I am also working to promote the Asian American Pacific Islander Community Service Program (AAPICS), a new minor at QC so definitely expect more blogs about that. ^^

5. Exercise regularly by playing volleyball on the QC quad. So much fun and if anyone's interested, please join. ^^ Oh and before I graduate I do want to visit the QC weight room at least once. Heard it was awesome but never got around to checking it out.

6. Have a picnic on the roof of the science building. Never been there before, not sure if this is even possible, but I heard that the view is great. ^^

7. Be more wary of campus vending machines and how they tend to eat up all my money. Will try to pack lunch from home more often. =]

8. Do something awesome for spring break. I'm already going to Montana for the NCUR conference but that still leaves…4-5 days ^^

9. Be less antisocial in my classes and meet new people. Hopefully this blog will help me out =]

10. Always seem to have trouble with #10 but everything feels incomplete without it. Sooo…I guess my last resolution is to inspire somebody with my blog and get him/her to do or think about something he/she never would have before. ^^

Sooo…anyone feeling inspired? haha =]