A Day of Rest before Training and Preparation for Classes

Art by Samuel Bak in Holocaust Resource Center Art by Manuel Quintanilla Martello


Taking Chemistry in QCC was a great way to spend my winter. I respect my professor because he really cared about his student’s progress. He also gave us harder than usual tests to quiz our ability in learning more than just what was given in class. Professor Clark wanted us to think above average and I feel like my brain is fried a bit so I think it is time for me to rest before my full class load starts again.

I considered my last week for my winter course a test of strength. I had three tests within a 4 day span and all for the same class. Tuesday, right after Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, was my third test for the course. The third test was only on the section we have previously learned the past 4 days and the test on the 22nd was cumulative.

I rushed back home right after class to finish my lab report so that I have the night free. I was going to go watch The Lion King on Broadway so I knew I was going to come home late.

Here is my review on Yelp:

This was my first play I’ve seen so far and it was fantastic. It was quite expense at about 125 dollars but this played followed the first movie of Lion King quite well. I really liked how they used songs to quite the audience before the show restarted. I did not like the play because there were scenes that the director made which was too funky. There was a scene when Scar was planning to take over and the hyenas started dancing. That scene was too modern because it made me feel like I was in a techno club with pink flashing lights. The costumes were phenomenal because the costumes were articulated to look like all the characters from the Lion King. Some of actors and actresses even had the dark or light tone of speech to match the movie.

After that night, I crammed everyday till the last day for the two tests that were coming up. The first test after Tuesday was a lab test for extra points on your final total score. I knew I had to score extra on this test because that was added to your total score. The average student scored a 30% out of a 100 on this test. The test on the 22nd was cumulative and it tested us everything we learned since the first day of class. There were 10 questions, but every question had another sub-question. The last question was the BOMB, it summed up all that we have learned during the grueling last three weeks.

I had a day of rest before my Resident Assistant training for the new semester. Resident Assistant training went on for four days and on two of those days, I was on duty or on call.

On the 26th of January, 50 or more new residents moved into the Summit. All the RA’s were working from 9a.m. to 4p.m. and then we had a mandatory meeting for the new residents at 7p.m. We had human bingo ice breaker for the residents to get to know each other after the meeting ended.

A Scene within The Lion King