…and here we go.

personally, i believe every good post should be accompanied with a snazzy picture! why? …i don’t really know why. certain things in life are unexplainable, just like Rush Limbaugh’s love life! (Zzzzzing!!)

i kid, i kid. we all know Rush Limbaugh has a very active and successful relationship with women…he pays! (Ba dum ching!)

alright, now that i have alienated my potential conservative audience which would possibly be a total of 7 readers, lets get into some things…

tomorrow is the first day of school and i am registered for a whopping 1 class! if you have read my “about” section, you would know that this is my last semester and i am wrapping up a pretty successful undergraduate career and getting “into” classes is no problem of mine! (my professors shall probably think otherwise)

“let us not worry about the woes of tomorrow, while today remains unsettled.”

i just created that quote to justify what appears as procrastination but it is actually strategic planning to personally look my professors in the eye as i tell them i haven’t registered yet but i really want to be in their class. this will show them my intense commitment to them and my education.


it is a result of me taking care of a hold on my registration at the 11th hour. But these are all minor issues that can be swiftly resolved!!

so tomorrow kicks off my farewell tour at QC. errrr…post graduation life is a bit daunting.

i wouldn’t mind coming back as an Adjunct or Administrator but im not sure what the Lord’s will has in store for me. But if you stick around, you’ll be able to see how He guides my steps and i try not to screw things up.

Lastly, i am only required to post one blog a week but that won’t happen. i’m gonna give the people at least two a week!!! (i literally imagined a crowd applaud me on the last line.)

until next time folks.

stay encouraged.stay in the will of God.and stay fresh! (not in that particular order)
