…the sickness


evidently, this past snowstorm situation has left me with some sort of cold thing…

it has also thrown off my blog entries. i didn’t get to take any fresh pictures to help spice up my blog. its just words on a page now :-(

getting the Wednesday off from school was pretty dope in regards to getting the opportunity to work on my Honors English exam that is coming up next Friday.

However, i thought things will be as simple as me having a day off and time to study but i didnt take in account the time for shoveling, and the shovel recovery time as well, then the eating time, then the laying in bed time…do you see where i’m going with this?

Now, i’m going to give the Honors study another go. I just wanted to drop in and drop off this post.

if you’re looking for more “Ugo action” you can check out my website www.theUPproject.com
