Yay! The English Honors Exam is finally over, so bye-bye Norton Anthologies. Hopefully we won’t have to meet again anytime soon because you are getting shoved under my bed- out of sight and out of mind. ^^ Overall the exam wasn’t too terrible. I was really glad about the shift in emphasis from IDs to close reading, which I probably have the QC English honors alumni to thank for. =] I also appreciated the range of passages on the exam, particularly the inclusion of racial minority literature such as the Sui Sin Far, Zora Neale Hurston, and Soyinka excerpts. ^^
Well, now that the exam is over, I am definitely feeling the senioritis kicking in (even though I still have loads of work to do…English honors thesis, conference preparations, three massive term papers, and bio ehh…). Yesterday after the test, I rushed to the city to watch my sister’s CUNY Pipeline Program conference presentation and I have been extremely unproductive since. Instead of writing up responses and finishing readings for my classes, I am catching up with my korean dramas and yes writing a blog lamenting about my laziness. >_<
I feel that this is definitely because I am a senior and will be graduating soon. So far I have already heard good news from some of the grad schools I applied to so at least my future is not looking entirely vague and directionless. =] I am really glad to have some places to choose from and I hope that my fellow graduating seniors are beginning to find their own paths too. ^^ Of course the bad part is that I'm falling into total senioritis mode and am beginning to slack with my other coursework…will try my hardest to snap out of it and become more serious though, especially with finishing up all the necessary paperwork to make sure that I actually do graduate!
So, here's a list for myself and others seniors of all the stuff we need to get done before it is too late:
1. Check out your Degree Audit to make sure you have fulfilled your major requirements and obtained enough credits to graduate. The link is available when you log-in to the CUNY Portal. It is also a great resource for all QC students to check their academic status whenever and manage their semester schedules to make sure they finish and graduate on time.
2. Register for graduation! The deadline is March 1st so seniors (myself included >_<) have only about one week left to visit the registrar (I heard also heard that you only need to fill out a little slip of paper so it's not even that bad…)
3. And this is probably not as important but those interested should probably schedule to have their senior pictures taken. Today was actually the last day the photographer was scheduled to come to Queens College for February but I think he is supposed to be back sometime in March. Also, students can start purchasing the 2010 Silhouette Yearbook, for $75.00.
If anyone remembers anything else, please do tell! ^^