the monday that quickly came

against my notions of proper blog etiquette, i am writing this blog on the fly. i need to go to the mid week service at church and i just got back from work, so i gotta fly fly fly!

however, i need to work on this blog in order for me to feel as if i am making progression in denting my work load. I just made a list of the things i need to do before the week is up and i literally got choked up while looking at the tasks.

there are only two possible results.

1- i man UP.

2- my homies will be calling “man down” and i will be hospitalized for anxiety or exhaustion or whatever famous people say when they go in for these reasons.

anyway, club day came faster than i expected.

i am with many clubs but i was reppin’ Club Truth which is affiliated with the Church i roll with, so it was dope holding down our table with my brothers. i wish i took more pictures that represented the energy we brought out there but i was busy being in the moment and recruiting.

sometimes moments have to be experienced and stepping back to capture the feel will only interrupt the energy flow.

there was only three of us, with some speakers and the will to turn that “mutha out!” and we did just that!

After i helped set up the official DJ equipment with my homies from WQMC radio, i had to get the audio situation settled with Club Truth. (i was playing double duty with audio supremacy that day)

We were in desperate need of an extension cord in order to really get the music drawing attention to us and our table. Luckily i have a few contacts around the Student Union and i was hooked up with a lovely extension cord.

Then after the socializing and networking, i had to fly out to the library where my class was having a research session class in order to help us dig in deeper with our research papers.

Ms. Nancy Foasberg did a great job directing our lost souls through the research method terminology and locations of this and that and more of this.

alrighty ya’ll. i really gotta fly now. i still need to pick out my second outfit for the day. lol
