first APPICS meeting =]

Last week Friday, AAPICS coordinators and students met for the first time to discuss the beginning of a new, exciting minor at Queens College. AAPICS is an acronym for Asian American Pacific Islander Community Service Program. Professor Madhulika Khandelwal, head of the Asian American Center, Serena Chen (Program Assistant), and other QC faculty and students […]

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Divide and Conquer!

6 days left until the English Honors Exam and counting =_=’
Yep. The beginning of my semester has been consumed by the honors exam. Reviewing, or better yet, cramming everything I’ve learned about English and American literature into a few weeks is a painful experience (one that you will hopefully never have to experience)… But then […]

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Snow Day!

Snow Day!!!!
YAY SNOW! I love snow, I love how it’s so clean and pretty looking, I love the way the air smells when it’s snowing, I love when it sparkles in the sun, it’s all really great! My favorite thing of the winter is being the first to leave footprints in the fresh snow. It […]

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Trying to fix my sleeping schedule (which was out of control due to the 6 week vacation period) while trying to wake up for an 8 am class is a very very good recipe for disaster. My brain was totally not working its cells to the fullest but hopefully this weekend I’ll recuperate and get […]

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Sleep is for the weak.

Song of the week: The High Road by Broken Bells
And we are all weak.
I’m pretty sleepy at the moment, but writing and reading will keep me up as it always does. This is my first entry for the Queens College Blogging project, at the end of the first full week of the Spring 2010 semester. […]

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laptops in class…

I am not sure if other students go through similar anxieties but I always wonder if I should use my laptop in class or not. I was sitting in bio lecture the other day, furiously scribbling down notes and wishing that I could just type up everything instead because that would be so much faster, […]

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the wednesday!

my Wednesday schedule has me free of any formal sit down sessions until 6pm. that leaves me an entire day to get things done…or blow time.
this is how this particular day went…
this is my homie Daphaney Jacquitte

We are both in Dean Joe’s leadership course (designated for leaders…evidently i bribed my way in there) and we […]

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It’s been a week since the beginning of Spring 2010. A week ago Queens College students started another semester and now a week has passed, in fact an important week. Many of us are still adjusting to our new schedule and classes. There are classes that we’re not too sure whether we’re going to keep […]

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the rundown

i am and have always been a busy guy. if there isn’t anything for me to get myself into, i will go out and find it, like a facebook mobile addict, searching for the closest Wi-Fi connection.
However, this semester, i didn’t have to search AT ALL for things to get myself involved in. I have […]

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sorry, more quotes

“Versions  of Descarte’s error obscure the roots of the human mind in a biologically complex but fragile, finite, and unique organism; they obscure the tragedy implicit in the knowledge of the fragility, finiteness, and uniqueness. And where humans fail to see the inherent tragedy of conscious existence, they feel far less called upon to do […]

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