dear xray machine, pretend you don’t know me so well

Within You Without You

long time, no post!

It has been yet another hectic span of time since I last wrote and once again, another set of changes accompany this post.

1. I finally decided to quit working at my job on campus. It occurred to me a while back that I may have been expecting too much from this experience, especially given the group of people that I was surrounded with. That said, I still decided to stay and try and make the best of the situation. I had become increasingly interested in higher education and I thought I could gain more from facilitating workshops.

I still think it is amazing how something internal speaks up at just the right moments in my life, this time allowing me to finally accept the gut instinct I had tried to ignore last summer. When a professor speaks disrespectfully to a student it is completely uncalled for and 100% inappropriate. Nothing excuses that behavior, and so after an especially nasty interaction on a Tuesday afternoon, I immediately quit knowing and actively feeling the emotional reaction, but this time being wise enough to understand that it was the right thing for me to do despite the unfortunate manner that it played out.

2. After quite a few years of neglecting my annual visits to a doctor, I finally made an appointment. Back in December I had lost feeling in my face and some vision for a brief period, which I ignored as an ocular migraine. The next 3 months I had a migraine every night till the next morning. In the past 3 weeks I have been losing feeling in my hands and feet on and off throughout the day and night which have increasingly become more painful. One of my mentors at Mt. Sinai, who had been urging me to call the doctor finally made me call in front of him, and I am so grateful. I would have probably tried to ignore it for even longer. I am currently visiting a neurologist to figure out my symptoms. One doctor suspects MS or an aneurysm,so on Monday I am going to have an MRI and MRA along with a sonogram of my neck to hopefully rule out those things.

3. This year for Easter, we are having guests from outside the U.S. My mother’s sister from Greece is visiting till May (most of my mother’s family lives in NY) and my father’s cousin, along with his immediate family, are here from Quebec for the week of Easter. It is very hectic but I am always happy to be surrounded by people I love. The only minus is that I have 0 time to play catch up with the courses that I have fallen behind in. I don’t seem to ever learn my lesson. Caffeine will continue to be my best friend as I stay up in the wee night trying to read…the only time it is anywhere close to the quiet I need for studying.

Look forward to pictures of lambs on a spit and enjoy the rest of break!