Spring Break Is Over

It was pretty long – more than a week long. But now it’s over. On Tuesday students will once again rush to their classes continuing on wherever they left off the last day before the break, as if there was never any breaks in the first place.

There is something magical about th time. It’s precise, and exact. It’s punctual too. Put a clock in front of you and look at how seconds pass. They never gain speed nor lose. But there are times in our lives that go so fast that you think it must have flew. This spring break surely was one of those times. I know what I did, and I can count for every minute, and hour of it, yet it felt as long as a long weekend, not a Spring break.

In any event, we are back. When we left school for the break it was still March and now that we are back it’s April. That leaves us only with April and just 2 weeks of May to summarize whatever we’ve learned, or at least we were supposed to learn into some number of final examination, and then close Spring 2010′s folder once forever.

Let me not go so fast, and let us not YET think about final exams. It’s Spring and it’s lovely. The air, the sun, the trees and everything else is just beautiful. So without any further due, I must welcome every student back to Queens College for a fresh continuation of Spring 2010, and I hope you all had a fantastic break.