This week when I received my check for blogging for Queens College, I was extremely grateful because I paid for summer courses and that really hurt my pockets. This semester is coming to an end and I am grateful for all the experiences I had this year. I was able to write about a few of the special events in my blog but I wasn’t able to cover all the memories. After running for president for the Student Government, I wanted to write for the Knight News about the experience I had. It would have gone like this:
To All Fellow Knight News Reader,
I, Jimmy Wong, had run for president for fall 2010 to spring 2011. I would like to say that it was an enjoyable experience to have had campaigned with 3 other presidential candidates. There was another presidential candidate that ran independent like me and there were one candidate from each of the two big parties. It was a challenge to go on campus and to post flyers around and ask students to vote while holding laptops. The majority of my campaign was run by a 2 men team. We faced parties that were 50 people or larger and received over a 100 votes as our final tally. To receive over 100 votes was an honor because it states to my vice presidential candidate and I that anything is possible. The possibilities are endless and anyone can make a change on campus.
It was also an unforgettable occurrence when I debated with the other presidential candidates and was interviewed for a documentary on the elections. I stated that I wanted to stand for all the people without a voice on this campus and hopefully inspire a new presidential candidate to run for office. Hopefully, it might be you.
Jimmy Wong
Now that the elections are over, I am back to my RA shift and preparing for finals. During the first week of May, I went on a BALA retreat with other fellow BALA minors. We went to Honor’s Haven resort and had a blast hanging out with one another. We were able to see each other and our professors outside our regular “skins”. The BALA retreat was my intermediary before the finals and after the elections that kept my body relaxed and motivated me to keep on going. I am also inspired by the blogs of the other contributors to qcvoices. They have done so much with their time and wrote about it that it makes me want to work extra harder.