
Dear Diary,

The first day of classes wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be. I went to Econ 102, which I decided to drop after having a clicker tossed at me by the professor. Electronic does not necessarily mean a more interactive classroom experience. I do not want to feel like I am playing a game show, or being polled, or have to worry about how another form of junk with a battery actually turns on. Although, I recognize that there are probably a bunch of people that like that sort of thing, I don’t really have to repeat this course…I am just neurotic about my GPA.

Dos: I have my first REAL job that will actually mean something for my future career. Regardless of the fact that I have been petrified for the past 6 weeks, I have decided that I will be the best coordinator that ever did exist Check: the best coordinator that I can be…(I am trying to avoid being a crazy type A personality. It doesn’t suit me.) I will be confident Voula again. She is much better at accomplishing things. Being awesome at Sinai is my giant first step back on that path.

3. Photography is expensive.  Besides that, and the prof. admitting that there is too much work assigned for the class, I feel that I will really enjoy this kind of art.

3b) Ceramics II is amazing, just as I expected.

“You cannot see it, but you can feel it. That is the beauty of clay.” Professor Ho, you have no idea how much those words mean to me. As the wheel continues to hypnotize me, I have yet to master centering. Just a brief conversation and Prof. Ho already can read me too easy: “find balance in your life”

I am trying.