Reading the blog entries from my associates amazes me. It truly shows the talents and skills that QC has to offer. Many of you are professional at multitasking. I have always wanted to find out what other QC students are up to but usually my friends would say, “I’m good, nothing much, bored, etc.” nothing as compiled as my fellow bloggers. Your life experiences keep me enticed and make me want to provide my experiences more and more.
Monday and Wednesday are my regular days, I go to school, hang out with friends and study. Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday I am interning at various accounting positions. Tuesday I am usually interning at a non-profit organization and Thursday and Friday I am an Accountant intern in Astoria. I checked invoices and also took out the samples that were requested by the auditors on my Tuesday position. I like coming home late since they usually feed me before I go. Both of my positions are in a friendly environment so that keeps me going.
Saturday, I went to watch Social Network with a friend of mine. I wasn’t really interested at first but the movie had me astonished. I came back home eager to do some more schoolwork because everyone in Harvard was so knowledgeable. Mark was an entrepreneur and like all other entrepreneurs, they say that you must keep pushing forward with that idea and never quit. Good movies make you ponder.