The Best and The Worst of Queens College

What is the best thing about Queens College? What is the worst thing about Queens College?

If you were to name ONE thing that is the best about Queens College and ONE thing that is the worst about Queens College what would that be? That has been the single most important question on my mind about Queens College that I have wanted to ask students for a long time. I was in fact thinking about developing a survey and letting students decide what they like the most about the school and what they hate most about the school.

In my opinion Queens College is great and I really love it. That is why I plan on doing my masters here at Queens and hopefully someday in the near future return and teach accounting. I love Queens College for variety of reasons, one obvious reason is its beautiful campus. In reality if I were to answer the above question I would say the best thing about Queens College is its lovely, large, and garden-like and clean campus, and one thing that I dislike the most about the school is…well I really can’t think of one thing that I don’t like about Queens College. Sure, it has a lot of problems and shortcomings but we all know that nothing is really perfect in this world, and certainly this school is not an exception to the rule.

One may find it ridiculous that I do not find one thing that I hate the most about Queens College but indeed that is the reality. I think I love everything about this school and it is for many reasons just the best school, well at least it is for me. I will though spend another post just listing and explaining my reasons for why I love Queens College to this magnitude.

My hope is to accomplish my goal and create the survey and just out of curiosity see what students have to say and then get back here and let my readers find out. I will try to do this as soon as I can, of course that is after the midterms and hopefully before the end of the semester.