I know, I know. I should be studying and working on my term papers. But I am just taking a break because something has been on my mind and I just can’t seem to concentrate anymore. Guess what I was thinking of? Senior year of high school.
I just thought I’d do a post on the articles I did during my senior year of high school. I attended Thomas Edison Career and Technical High School from 2005-2009. During my senior year, I enrolled in the Journalism class (as journalism was a new addition to the curriculum, only seniors could partake in it during that time. I’m not sure how it is now).
Our school newspaper was referred to as “The Edison Light.” I would always look forward to this class whenever 5th period would be approaching. I was able to learn a lot from this 45-minute/school-day class. I’m a very shy person, but even through it all, I was able to make myself interview the staff/teachers/peers of my school when the need be to include them in the articles as sources. And, I also learned of the difference between hard-news and soft-news!
Well, here are some of the articles that were published in The Edison Light.