The word “Enthusiasm” has taken quite a shape over the years. By today’s standards it simply means to be excited or passionate about. But in Greek times when the word was “En Thios”, it meant to be inspired by the god within. One thing that I’m really enthusiastic (both definitions) about, would be if religions let people in on the fact that their true agenda is for power to influence how people think on this earth. Don’t get me wrong, I like many of the fundamental values that it teaches. I just can’t stand the fanatics who are so afraid of death that they have pull the rest of us into their reality forcibly. That is how religions get people too, they play on humans’ fear of death. And one can get so artistic with death being that no one can truly put a definition on it other than life extinguished. Could you imagine being an illiterate peasant during the King Arthur days? I would freak out and give my life up to whatever the religious leader said too! The religious leader had had so much time practicing and tweaking his sale’s pitch that when it came to my illiterate peasant self, I was done for. I didn’t have the knowledge (or the energy because the very spiritual ruler’s of that day kindly let me work their land for them for little to no pay) to take time and THINK about it myself, I’d just OBEY whatever he said. Well now we aren’t illiterate peasants but our fear of death keeps us following the “Don’t think, just obey” slogan our leaders(spirtitual or state see George Bush) want us to buy into. Is it a wonder that with that formula that 20th century predominately white-Christian Europe produced: Stalin, Lenin, Franco, Mussolini, and Hitler? I’m not saying these men practiced Christian beliefs, but simply stating that if people don’t follow their own VOICE OF REASON, they are going to end up living their lives for someone else’s idea. Personally, I can’t do it, I choose to THINK for myself.