My Words of Inspiration

Every time someone approaches me, kicks it with me and asks me how I am so motivated I hold a long convo with them and tell them how I do it.  I don’t care if you have a job, a girlfriend or a boyfriend, school everyday, test after test, no money, a shitty family, etc. Bottom line is if you want to reach your goals then no matter whats going on in your life you will do all that is necessary to make sure you get what you want. If you have a dream then dream big and chase it.  Dont ever listen to the words  “what happens if the dream doesn’t come true?” Nope forget that because if you want it to come true then it will as long as it may take. 

Although that dream might be taking alittle longer to come true just keep on chasing it because its right infront of you.  So when you feel like you cant take it anymore and you can’t chase anymore, just run alittle faster.  The dream is right infront of you.  All you have to do is catch up to itand grab it.  When you so happen to grab it, hold it close and tight and keep running as fast as you can without looking back not once. 

What im trying to say is no one should ever give up and quit.  The minute you quit is the minute your were about to be blessed.  If you think about it, it’s very true.  You might be blessed tomorrow but you will never know if you quit today.  So keep it going.

One reason why I think im coming so far with my career is because I want it all.  My advice is do not sleep.  It might take a toll on your body but so much can be done when you sleep.  Everyone say why would you work while everyone else sleeps. My answer is because while we sleep here, everyone on the other side of the world is awake.  So if im up doing online promo someone will always see it.  Stay in peoples eyes and ears around the clock. 

I have taken and still am taking chances and im making sacrifices as we speak and im balancing out multiple aspects of life.  I go to school full time, straight to the studio, weekends im traveling, monday im taking midterms and doing homework, and having a female in my life all at the same time.  With all of this going on I’m still getting everything done.  If I can do it, so can you.  So don’t complain just get it done. Although it might seem overwhelming and you just want to quit, don’t!