emancipate yourself from mental slavery (is that too bold?..i like my bob marley)

As I suspected, things at work brightened up immediately as things concerning the GCO/IRB settled. Sort of, we are awaiting reply:

bureaucratic (Word Origin & History: 1818, from Fr. bureaucratie , from bureau  ”office,” lit. ”desk” + Gk. suffix -kratia  denoting ”power of;Definition: 1. government by many bureaus, administrators, and petty officials 2. any administration in which action is impeded by unnecessaryofficial procedures and red tape)

Friday was extremely rewarding. The boss said we (my lovely co-worker and I) have brought life back to the lab. Today we scheduled 6 participants (unheard of in coordinator history!) with 2 more to be scheduled in 2011. It is rewarding to accomplish these goals. I’m diving into the world of research again, becoming increasingly familiar with the work ethic and time schedule and a bit closer to making decisions.  I can deal with the nasty mold growing underneath the paint in my office when at the very least I am allowed to get back to the good stuff: the science. I have an abstract for a poster submission due on Dec. 15 and I am really hoping that I can pull something together to work off my last poster at AACAP (it would be really cool to observe the process since I am going to eventually tie it all together when I write the previously mentioned paper).

I have decided to step away from the bubble that is “university” and work on the far more interesting world: real life. School doesn’t work for me. I love learning, TRUST ME, but I have an unrealistic view on what it means to be educated and unfortunately the system isn’t working for me. Actually, the system never worked for me (kindergarten version of Voula was proof of this and lets just say I haven’t changed much). So, farewell…perhaps we will meet again in 2 or 3 years. Or maybe not? Who knows where you’ll find me. If things go my way, it’ll be with my hands cracked and dry from clay planted firm on a yellow mat supported and steady in an inversion.

In the mean time, I have a real life to live.