Registering for Classes… Fun Times!

Am I the only one that likes registering for classes?

The first time I registered for college classes, which was just this past June, it was insanely stressful. I remember sitting in the room with other Freshman Year Initiative students and struggling to find classes that were available to us freshmen but that also didn’t clash with other classes in our schedule. I remember students walking up to the desk where a professor would type in the course code into the computer and then inform the student that they had to change a class because it was already full.

It was stressful.

Now, six months later, I find registering for classes to be exciting. Am I the only one? Perhaps I am still getting used to the fact that I actually have a choice in what classes I want to take. It wasn’t like this in high school.

At the same time, if I don’t like a class, I’ll only be able to blame myself. In high school, if there was a class we hated, we blamed our guidance counselors for giving it to us. Now, in college, it’s entirely up to us.

I also feel like the hardest part of registering, when you’re a freshmen, is deciding what classes to take. It kind of sucks because our registration date is so late in the month that the classes we are interested in are full.

Regardless, I may seem weird for seeing registering for classes as enjoyable, but I believe it has something to do with starting something new.