It’s a Friday night now, and I just made it through another week of classes. This past Wednesday, my Art History research paper was due, and I did mine on Frida Kahlo, my favorite female artist. I was content with what I wrote, and I really put a lot of effort, including adding bits and pieces of my heart and soul into the paper. Hopefully it shows when I get my grade!
Here’s a photo of Frida working on a painting:
My Linguistics paper due date was postponed to next week, so now I have some more time to work on it.
This Monday, I have my English paper due, as well as my English final. Then on Tuesday, I have my Math final. And one week from now, I have my Linguistics final, the same day that the paper has been postponed to. Then that weekend, I’ll have to work on my Women’s Studies final (which will be due on BlackBoard). And finally, on Wednesday, the 22nd, I have my Art History final.
I’m trying really hard to get on my serious study mode, but somehow I just feel anxiety filled, and it’s hindering my efforts in being productive. But I’m fighting it, and hopefully I’ll be the one to prevail! I’ll just have to get over my fears first. The next two weeks will be hard on me, but I just hope I can hold my ground and ace all my papers and finals.