Prime time…
So this past weekend I went on a road trip with three friends from the Music Department here at Queens College. We went to Rochester NY for a music educators conference.
High points of the trip were many. I have to say that when you get four young guys on a road trip (well three young guys and me that is), life tends to stray away from being “G Rated”
We got to see and drive through some of the first snow of the winter. I am always pleasantly reminded just what a beautiful state New York is when I get to travel by car up state.
When you spend around six hours on the road with three other men you start to talk about silly things. I told them about some of the funny road signs I have seen both in person and online. Here are some examples:
Anyway, thanks for checking in with old Prime
What’s the coolest or funniest thing you have seen on a road trip?