I know I’ve missed a couple posts but here you go I’ll make up for it. Finals week or weeks is and are crazy. I will honestly say this semester has probably been the most difficult and jam packed with work out of all my semesters in Queens College. But it’s all good I always manage to get my work done no matter what. I mean I’ve had group projects, presentations, papers, digital video projects, montage films to film and edit and also a journey documentary. All of this on top of my music career. Also on top of that I recently became the part owner of a business and have partnered up with a very big up and coming company which is already recognized in Hollywood and the music industry.
So once this semester is 100 percent over then ill finally be able to lock in on this new business venture. Right now everything is cool, I can’t focus all the way on it but the focus will be there in just a few more days. And after that happens, everything else will fall into place naturally. I want to be a successful, rich, young dude so I am going to make sure it happens. Lol. But I guess well just have to wait and see if I actually make it happen.
On another tip here is this Preparation Montage video myself and my partner shot and edited for one of our classes. SWAG!!!!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeGIEEPUp10 or Click here to view Prep Montage video