The Final Countdown

This is it! Just one more day of classes and we’re done for the semester! And then a week of painful, panicked studying for finals and we’re all done for good! I can’t wait. I am so ready for a break already. The truth is–and I’m sure most people would agree–I’m just not in “school mode” anymore, and I haven’t really been for quite a while now. The end of the semester is nearing and it’s about time!

It’s really incredible that we have a break of almost six full weeks. That’s a considerable amount of time–and I’m not gonna complain! I’m actually going to Israel where I’ll spend time with a lot of family and friends and can’t wait to be there already! It’s just insane that we have a six week break. I almost feel like it’s the summer again–though, the weather is proving to be a harsh reminder that that’s not the case.

I’m also glad that when I come back from break, I’ll be more prepared. This past semester was my first at Queens College–well, first in college–and it was all in all very good. Still, it took some getting used to. But second semester will be different. My schedule is already set up for the most part, and I’m adjusted to the college atmosphere already. So it’s nice to know that when I come back, I’ll come back prepared and ready for what’s ahead. Still, I hope that the six week break doesn’t fly by too quickly and that the upcoming semester doesn’t come too soon!

I wish everyone good luck with all papers and finals! Try not to stress out too much :)