Sore Cold during Finals Week

It’s Wednesday night now, and on Monday and Tuesday I just finished two of my five final exams.  Monday at midnight, it started to snow (rather very lightly).  It was the first snowfall of this season.  Yesterday was FREEZING cold.  My math final exam ended at 6:00 p.m. yesterday, and then I decided to go to the supermarket to buy some breakfast cereal.  After I was done buying a box of Rice Krispies, I went home, which was about 6-7 blocks away.  I walked all the way home in the freezing cold, and since the sun was down, it was even more colder than in the morning.  My biggest mistake was not bundling up very well (I couldn’t find my neck scarf, and so decided to go to school without it – HUGE mistake).  And now…

Today morning I woke up with a SEVERE sore throat, headache, and stuffy nose.  I really hope I’m not coming down with a harsh fever.  I was supposed to be studying today for my next final – which is on Friday – but ended up spending most of my day in bed.  I’ve been drinking lots of warm fluids, and my dad gave me some antibiotics to take care of my cold.  I really can’t afford to be sick right now – I have three more finals coming up, and I really have to ace them in order to maintain my GPA.  I worked so hard this semester, I can’t afford to let it all go down the drain.

I only have one more full day to study for my Linguistics final (which is on Friday), and my day today was ruined because of my cold.  Before going to bed today, I’ll take some Tylenol, and hopefully by the time I wake up tomorrow, my headache and sore throat problem will go away.  Hopefully then I’ll be able to put my mind on studying for the final.  I tried studying today, but when you feel like a 2,000 ton rock is sitting on top of your head, studying is not really possible.