I Take That Back…

Last week I posted my opinion on registration, that opinion being that it was “fun”.

Yeah, I take that back.

Registration was actually very, very stressful. I find it stressful trying to figure out what credits I already have and what I still need. On top of that, pressure from friends doesn’t help. They all want you to take class with them and the pressure is on. I wanted to take classes with my friends, but I wasn’t willing to take a class if I didn’t need the credit, just so that I could be with friends. That would be a waste of my dad’s money, and I wouldn’t want to do that to him.

On top of that, being a freshman, it’s even harder to find the classes you want because our registration date is so late. Classes start to close up and then we’re forced to find another class that fulfills the same requirement and doesn’t clash with any other class.

So, yes, I do take back what I said last week about registration being fun. It was far from.

My registration date was December 16 (today) so last night I stayed up until midnight so that I would be one of the first freshmen to register and make sure that I got the classes I wanted to take.

At about 11:56pm, I found out that registration didn’t start at midnight… it started at 10:30am.

So imagine my frustration from realizing that I was in fact staying up late for no reason.

With a sigh of resignation and eyes of sleep deprivation, I shuffled off to bed.

I officially registered for the spring semester this morning, and I am fairly satisfied with my classes. However, I am a little anxious because two of my classes have “staff” listed as the instructor. I wonder why the school does that? I wonder who my professor will be. Honestly, I just hope they’re good because I don’t want to have to drop a class when my schedule is, in my eyes, just right.

Not knowing who the instructor will be is nerve wracking, but I had no choice since the timing of the class was perfect. Now I can only keep my fingers crossed and hope that I get lucky.