Hang in there…

Hey everyone! Hope the first week of finals isn’t too brutal. I know some people are already done. I hope those people appreciate how lucky they are. Oh what I would give for it all to be over… but the good news it is that we’re getting close! Just hang in there for a little bit more and soon it’ll all be done.

Fortunately, all I have left is one final and it’s not too much to handle. I know some people that have three left (on the same day, no less). And they’re studying their butts off! I don’t know how I would handle that (so let’s just say not well).

In any case, teachers have been very good about grading. I already got emails from three of my professors who’ve said that they finished grading all the exams and have already calculated the final grades. Supposedly those should be up on CunyFirst, from what I’ve been told, by Monday or Tuesday of this week. I’m looking forward to seeing… some of those grades–perhaps not others. But I’m getting even more excited as we creep closer and closer to the big break. I almost don’t know what I’m going to do with myself with all the free time and none of the workload. But hey, I’m not complaining.

Hope everyone is managing with all of their finals and making sure not to stress too much! Just remember, it’ll all be over soon. And then we’ll all be free :) . Good luck everyone! Stay sane.