
unhurt, unstruck, unbeaten.

Above that, in the heart, is the charming Lotus, of the shining color of the Banduhka flower, with the twelve letters beginning with Ka, of the colour of vermilion, placed therin. It is known by its name of Anahata, and is like the celestial wishing-tree, bestowing even more than (the supplicant’s) desire. The Region of Vayu, beautiful and with six corners, which is unto the smoke in colour, is here.

Meditate within it on the sweet and excellent Pavan Bija, grey as a  mass of smoke, with four arms, and seated on a black antelope. And within it also (meditate) upon the Abode of Mercy, the Stainless Lord who is lustrous like the Sun, and whose two hands make the gestures which grant boons and dispel the fears of the three worlds.

Here dwells Kakini, who in color is yellow like unto new lightning, exhilarated and auspicious; three-eyed and the benefactrous of all. She wears all kind of ornaments, and in Her four hands She carries the noose and the skull, and makes the sign of blessing and sign which dispels fear. Her heart is softened with drinking of nectar.

The Sakti whose tender body is like ten million flashes of lightning is in the pericarp of this Lotus in the form of a triangle (Trikona).  Inside the triangle is the Siva-Linga known by the name of Bana. This Linga is like shining gold, and on his head is an orifice minute as that in a gem.He is the resplendent abode of Laksimi.

He who meditates on this Heart Lotus becomes like the Lord of Speech, and like Isvara he is able to protect and destroy the worlds. This Lotus, is like the celestial wishing-tree, the abode and seat of Sarva. It is beautiful by the Hamsa, which is like unto the steady tapering flame of a lamp in a windless place. The filaments which surround and adorn its pericarp, illuminated by the solar region, charm.

Foremost amoung Yogis, he ever is dearer than the dearest to women, He is pre-eminently wise and full of noble deeds. His senses are completely under control. His mind in its intense concentration is engrossed in all Brahman. His inspired speech flows like a stream of clear water and he is able at will to enter another’s body .

The books I ordered when I was supposed to be studying came in the mail meaaaninggggg : I started my winter reading :)

As if it wasn’t already obvious, (you know, just in case any of my imaginary readers skipped the part where I complained about how bad I miss going through a flow sequence and how I am openly upset with myself for not having practiced in entirely too long) I am super super super interested in Kundalini Sakti. So I did the most logical thing (maybe not, I suppose some sort of yoga membership would make more sense…) and bought a few philosophy books.

She is beautiful like a chain of lightning and fine like a (lotus) fibre, and shines in the mind of sages. She is extremely subtle; the awakener of pure knowledge; the embodiment of pure Bliss; whose true nature is pure Consciousness. The Bhrama-dvara shines in her mouth. This place in the entrance to the region sprinkled by ambrosia, and is called the Knot, as also the mouth of Susumna