On a plane…after 7 years?

It’s Monday morning at around 2:10 a.m. now, and I’ve been trying to get some work/studying done.  I feel like I’m on the edge of a mountain…maybe I won’t feel this way anymore once finals are over.  I’m trying to do a good job, but it’s hard because I’m still recovering from a nasty cold.  I’m taking a break now, so I’ll do a post on something that’s coming up.

In a few short days, if all is okay and well, I’ll go to Canada over the holiday weekend with my mom, dad, and brother.  We’re going to Ontario to attend a convention.  Usually, whenever we went to Canada (during the summer only to visit Niagara Falls), one of my two brothers would drive us there.  But, my brother does not feel he can take on such a big task this time, since he’d be too stressed out from the after-effects of finals week (he’s a grad student at NYU, and finals are basically taking the life out of him).  Which means…

…that we’re boarding a plane.  I’m excited and scared at the same time.  I haven’t been on a plane in over seven years.  The last time I was up in the air was in the Summer of ’03.  After that, I declined any trips outside the country that would have me be on a plane.  I don’t know when it started, but I’m really afraid on even the thought of getting on a plane, which sounds crazy, because I’m not afraid of heights.  Actually, I’m one who enjoys going on multiple roller coaster rides during a trip to Six Flags.  The thrill I get from being on a roller coaster is unexplainable.  But being on a plane…that’s a different story.  The thought of something going wrong with the engine, resulting in a crash, is what scares me.  I’m afraid that if I ever get on a plane, I might not be able to get off it.  I’m afraid of anything terrible that might happen, because it could happen, and it has happened before.

I’m trying really hard to get out of my plane-phobia.  I’ll try anything possible to get my mind off of those fears.  In the meantime, I’ll try putting my mind into studying.