
Today was the last day of the semester for me, and I have to admit, I feel so free! I only had three finals, but the stress level from them was almost unbearable. There came a point where I just didn’t care what I got as a grade, I just wanted to get the exam over with. Walking out of the music building after my last final felt great.

I can gladly say that I have survived my first semester as a college freshman. It’s been a great ride, and I have met some amazing people! Although I am glad for the month-long vacation, I am now left to wonder what to do with my free time. I am so used to having something to do and somewhere to go that all the extra time just seems like too much.

College, although stressful from time to time, is pretty amazing. I just love the environment, and I’ll definitely miss it over the next month… as I relax. ;)

Also, I know that while I’m happy for vacation, I’ll be so bored within two weeks that I’ll be begging for the new semester to begin.

That always happens to me.