I wonder how many people actually fulfill all of their New Year’s resolutions. I know that I myself have never actually fulfilled any. Mine have always been fairly doable, but I think the biggest problem is that we forget that we made a resolution in the first place.
I’ve come to the point where I don’t even bother making resolutions anymore. Chances are that I’ll forget by February at the earliest. In the spirit of the new year, we get excited about making our year good so that by the time the new year rolls around, the excitement wears off and we become preoccupied with whatever the new year brings.
I think that the resolutions people make should be on a broader basis than just “lose weight” or “drink less”. While those types of resolutions are fine, I feel like they provide a feeling of failure when they don’t get complete. The same resolutions are made the following year, and then the year after that and the year after that.
I haven’t actually thought about resolutions for a while, but I’m planning something different for 2011. This coming new year, I want to keep doing what I started doing towards the end of 2010. I want to be outgoing, break out of my shell more, socialize, and just downright be a better person. I know it sounds cheesy but honestly, it’s going to make me feel so good in the long run. With a broader resolution like that, it’s more likely to get done once I take the small steps. It’s the little things that are going to mean the most.
By the time 2011 ends, I won’t look back and say, “Damn, I didn’t get that resolution done.” I’ll be able to say, “All the small things added up to me actually fulfilling what I planned to.”