Mark Twain

I visited the Morgan Library, which is having an exhibit on the papers of Mark Twain. I got myself and my ladyfriend in free, using my new badge from the Brooklyn Historical Society, where an internship must hold value other than paychecks. Most of the materials in the Twain exhibit were letters and handwritten manuscripts […]

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The Information District

The other day, while I walked along Worth Square, across Fifth Avenue from Madison Square Park, highly canvassed with European walking tours and lunch hour foot traffic in and out of the local outdoor bazaar,  an old black man with a cigarette hanging from his lips coasted slowly on his bike through a crowd of […]

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I am awesome.

and I got a raiiiiiiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (fyi, I am still broke) and I am going to Greece this summer. Did I mention that my favorite scientist is town for a book release in February? The same one that I stalked at SFN. I already bought my ticket. No, I am not a dork.  Rama part II. (Oh, and […]

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Unnecessary Challenges

The semester starts out really smooth. Everything is going well. It seems that there is no rush in anything. We have a lot of days off. Professors are absent once in a while. We go to class, take notes, do the homework, relax, and then comeback again. Eventually things start to change. Before you know […]

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Finals Suck

          I know I’ve missed a couple posts but here you go I’ll make up for it. Finals week or weeks is and are crazy.  I will honestly say this semester has probably been the most difficult and jam packed with work out of all my semesters in Queens College.  But it’s all good I […]

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The scene shop in the Theatre Department on campus is about to undergo a renovation. I work in the scene shop as my work study, which means that much of the reshuffling of tools and equipment has become my responsibility. Wow, can I just say that there is a lot of stuff packed into that […]

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