Improve My Writing

I am happy to announce that this semester my blog had an increase in the number of viewers. I received much more comments and responses to my posts than last semester. When people visit a website and leave comments, specially long and detailed comments you know that you are connected to your audience and that the topics in which […]

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emancipate yourself from mental slavery (is that too bold?..i like my bob marley)

As I suspected, things at work brightened up immediately as things concerning the GCO/IRB settled. Sort of, we are awaiting reply: bureaucratic (Word Origin & History: 1818, from Fr. bureaucratie , from bureau  ”office,” lit. ”desk” + Gk. suffix -kratia  denoting ”power of;” Definition: 1. government by many bureaus, administrators, and petty officials 2. any administration in which action is impeded by unnecessaryofficial procedures and red tape) Friday was extremely rewarding. The boss said we (my lovely co-worker and I) have brought life back to the lab. Today we scheduled 6 […]

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