It’s a Friday night now, and I just made it through another week of classes. This past Wednesday, my Art History research paper was due, and I did mine on Frida Kahlo, my favorite female artist. I was content with what I wrote, and I really put a lot of effort, including adding bits and […]
Month: December 2010
Paradise Sit-ee
Are you one who likes to sit and study in a quiet place all day? Don’t try the library. The week before finals you would expect it to be quiet but the library is constantly filled with a light hum … Continue reading →
Road Trip to Rochester
Prime time… So this past weekend I went on a road trip with three friends from the Music Department here at Queens College. We went to Rochester NY for a music educators conference. High points of the trip were many. I have to say that when you get four young guys on a road […]
Registering for Classes… Fun Times!
Am I the only one that likes registering for classes? The first time I registered for college classes, which was just this past June, it was insanely stressful. I remember sitting in the room with other Freshman Year Initiative students and struggling to find classes that were available to us freshmen but that also didn’t […]
Standardized exams are generally disliked by many who must take them. They are considered to be stressful, time consuming, inadequate, tiring, and overall “pointless.” As I sat in my living room drinking my morning coffee and watching the “news” (I’m using that term very lightly) I saw that students no longer will be provided with […]
Improve My Writing
I am happy to announce that this semester my blog had an increase in the number of viewers. I received much more comments and responses to my posts than last semester. When people visit a website and leave comments, specially long and detailed comments you know that you are connected to your audience and that the topics in which […]
A Great Opportunity…
QUEENS STUDENTS, Are you interested in pursuing you passion in the arts? Have a dream to make it in the Arts & Entertainment Industry? How would you like to engage in a niche network that specifically concentrates on your artistic talents and those of others who share the same passions as you? […]
Live Performance @9Lounge of “None of That” nd “Black and Yellow”
This past weekend i had a show in Queens, New York at the 9 lounge formely known as La Cue. The show was definately a success. The crowd was hype and I had a great time. Nothing is better then a fun performance where everyone is vibing with you. Much love to everyone that came […]
On Martyrs and Prostitutes
One of the classes I’m taking this semester is Radical Literature of the 60s, a senior seminar. I’m a of movie buff and, for my final paper– if it ever comes together– I’m writing about Jean-Luc Godard’s 1962 film, Vivre Sa Vie. I won’t go into the details of the paper now, in large part […]
emancipate yourself from mental slavery (is that too bold?..i like my bob marley)
As I suspected, things at work brightened up immediately as things concerning the GCO/IRB settled. Sort of, we are awaiting reply: bureaucratic (Word Origin & History: 1818, from Fr. bureaucratie , from bureau ”office,” lit. ”desk” + Gk. suffix -kratia denoting ”power of;” Definition: 1. government by many bureaus, administrators, and petty officials 2. any administration in which action is impeded by unnecessaryofficial procedures and red tape) Friday was extremely rewarding. The boss said we (my lovely co-worker and I) have brought life back to the lab. Today we scheduled 6 […]