I was glad to come back to school on Wednesday to get ready for my third econ 382 test. I met a friend from SEEK program and he spoke fluent Fujinese. Although mine was nowhere compared to his, he was willing to converse and teach me words that I have either forgotten or didn’t know. […]
Month: December 2010
Let it snow, let it snow, let it SNOW!!!!
Let it snow!!!!! It’s finally December! Doesn’t every semester feel like it flies by?
We have less than two weeks of classes and one more week of final to go. HOW CRAZY IS THAT?
Today will be our last Monday to have to come to Study Hall. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
(a little too much energy …
Finals week coming up hello Hell week
4 final exams. 1 final paper. Ready for it? I think not. Exams exist to test our skill and to determine what we have learned. Has the professor taught us well? Did we learn all we should know? But we … Continue reading →
Finals: Almost near
I can’t believe it’s December already, or that the end of the fall semester is near. This coming week will mark the last full week of school for the fall ’10 semester. After that, it’s finals, finals, and more finals. I’ll be faced with 5 finals…five. Well, at least it’s not 6. But, I’m very […]
Last Full Week
I can’t believe it. I look at what’s left of this semester–which is a whole boatload of work crammed into a very short amount of time–and I wonder where the time went. This was my first semester at Queens college, and boy did it fly! I’m not sure whether or not the semester has been […]
I Might Kill A Cow To Make A Book
On more than one occasion, I have agreed with other people, that it is unpleasant to witness couples who make out with each other in public. Not a quick peck or snuzz, but a wet and sloppy, ongoing and noisemaking, swap of spit. Usually the exhibitionists are teenagers, but it is not unusual to catch […]
How Fast!
It’s just as if it was yesterday when Fall 2010 started. It went by really fast, faster than previous semesters. This is really unbelievable. It just gets faster and faster. I have been noticing that as time passes, semesters finish quicker. If you do the math you’ll see that every semester in fact is just […]
Peace Corps/Missions Trips
Peace Corps and Mission trips are such novel ideas; but in practice they are usually for the pretentious, upper-crust individuals who have never had any true hardship in their own personal life. I do know that the areas that these groups visit are in need of much help. Go help those people; quit filling your […]
Childlike, Wildlife 2010-12-02 02:00:49
I must say…there is nothing like coming home after a 14 hour day (mostly consisting of ceramics), taking off my rain boots and letting my dog Sophie sit on my chest as I type this post. Sophie and the heat from my laptop keep me warm on the first night of December. I am all […]