Finals: Almost near

I can’t believe it’s December already, or that the end of the fall semester is near.  This coming week will mark the last full week of school for the fall ’10 semester.  After that, it’s finals, finals, and more finals.  I’ll be faced with 5 finals…five.  Well, at least it’s not 6.  But, I’m very […]

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Last Full Week

I can’t believe it. I look at what’s left of this semester–which is a whole boatload of work crammed into a very short amount of time–and I wonder where the time went. This was my first semester at Queens college, and boy did it fly! I’m not sure whether or not the semester has been […]

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How Fast!

It’s just as if it was yesterday when Fall 2010 started. It went by really fast, faster than previous semesters. This is really unbelievable. It just gets faster and faster. I have been noticing that as time passes, semesters finish quicker. If you do the math you’ll see that every semester in fact is just […]

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