So it’s our third week into the semester and I guess it’s safe to say that things are going back to normal. The full workload of the semester is kicking in and bound to get more stressful (sorry to burst anyone’s bubble). The routine is pretty much set, and other than a day off this coming Monday for president’s day, it’s a pretty decent stretch until spring break rolls around. Most of the snow has melted–so much so that when I took a second to look around me, I almost didn’t recognize the place I was in. I had gotten so used to these streets covered in snow that it didn’t register that there is a Queens without it. Now, hopefully that crazy wind will settle down, and stop crashing against my window late at night while I’m trying to sleep, and we’ll all be able to walk freely and happily again. We’ll see.
The funny thing is that I look at this next semester without too much distress. I guess I’m ready for any curveballs that might get thrown at me this time, because it’s my second semester here and I’m prepared to accept whatever comes my way. And just like was the case with the fall semester, there’s no doubt that this one will fly by within a blink of an eye (no rhyme intended). And after that… summer! That sacred season we’re all waiting for. But until it does come, it’s like I said: back to normalcy. Whatever that is.