Raise Your Glass

Though we’re still in the midst of a deluge of midterms and essays and a confusing stroke of on and off weather, this past weekend was a fun one. It was the Jewish holiday of Purim, and this year, I celebrated right here in Queens. The festivities were organized by the Chabbad of Queens. We all arrived at the Summit, the Queens college dormatory–specifically in a place called the “Flex Space.” Well, I think that’s what it was called :) . The rabbi led us with the reading of the megillah, which details the story behind the holiday of Purim. Everyone arrived suited up in costume, and following the reading we had a costume contest. There were snacks, drinks, and even wraps available for dinner. The whole event was put together quite nicely, and it exceeded my expectations of what I thought it would be. It was a very enjoyable weekend!

That had also been my first visit to The Summit. Although I have been here for a semester and a half already, and I have a number of friends who dorm here, I had yet to see the inside of the building for myself. The dormitory is beautiful. Of course, that is partly a function of the fact that the building is brand new. But the rooms are excellent. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a fully equipped kitchen. Everything is spacious and comfortable, probably more than the rooms I’ve seen in other major university dormitories. I was highly impressed. Overall, it was a fun-filled weekend and a great holiday. And I got a good look at Queens in a way that I haven’t before!