Its & Bits of QC 2011-03-23 09:33:19

A Big Dream

I don’t dream big when I don’t invest big. I first take a good look at myself in the mirror before I dream of the things that I want. Sure, you can say that I’m negative and don’t have enough confidence but I’m extremely realistic and almost 99% of the times my predictions turn into reality. I’m not a risk taker and I only want the things that I know I have enough dedications to make it happen. Almost all the times when I want something I know that I can get it, or else I would not even think about it.

Keep on dreaming big, announce your dream to everyone; friends and family, live your dream, be delusional, but then work for a much smaller dream. Aim for an A+ and then be happy with a C+, then start blaming every other living thing on the planet but yourself. It doesn’t ever occur to you that the grade you got is always the grade that you earned.

I don’t take a shot in the dark, I always work my best and think the worst and I avoid disappointments. I hate to let myself down, and my expectations always meet the time and effort I invested into my goals. I never ever expect more than what I worked for and therefore I’m never surprised.

Go right ahead dream big, dream all you want, but at the end of the day no matter what caused your dream not to turn into reality, you’re left with just a dream and a lot of regretful memories. Your dream whatever it may be, will require enough sacrifice that it would be qualified to be called a “dream”.