Organized Parties at QC

I’ll admit, I’ve never been a party girl. Honestly, I don’t party because I very rarely ever get the opportunity. When I say “party”, I don’t mean it in the sense where you dance your butt off and then get completely wasted. No. My view of partying doesn’t involve drinking, because I can get drunk from music and dancing alone.

Last Thursday, QC’s South Asian Student Association held a formal. I wondered what it would be like, especially since it was organized by a college club, and I honestly didn’t even think about going until I heard that my friends were.

It was pretty much set after that. I would be going to an organized college party, my first party, well, ever.

Yes, I’m so lame that I’ve never really been to a party in all of my almost-nineteen years. Family parties don’t count.

I’ve been trying to break out of my shy exterior all year, so I jumped on this opportunity. The fact that it was occurring at school made me wonder if it wouldn’t be fun.

Then again, how would I know what fun is?

Come Thursday night, I got all dolled up and met up with my friends at Student Union.

What shocked me was the security. It was pretty tight. The line of students waiting to get in was surprising, and the reason the line was so long was because security was not messing around.

They checked your I.D., searched your bag, made you walk through a metal detector and everything. I seriously did not think they would go to such lengths.

In a way, it made me feel safer. I’ve blogged about the security on campus before, about how I don’t feel like it’s safe enough. It was nice to see them going to such measures to make sure we can party safely.

The only downside of the tight security was that the event was supposed to start at 6:30pm, and we didn’t get in until 9. That meant that I couldn’t stay as long, since I was with friends that had a curfew.

Turns out, the formal really wasn’t that bad. I guess the best thing about having a student organization throw a party is that, since they’re students as well, they know how we want to have fun. The DJ was great, the music was awesome, the lights that were flashing were pleasantly hypnotic. There was even a disco ball and some awesome dance performances.

I think party-goers should give campus parties a chance. I know a lot of people may think that if a party is being held in school, it must not be that great. But honestly, the fact that it’s at school makes it slightly better. For one thing, the tight security may be annoying at first, but if you think about it you’ll see that it’s for your benefit and that knowing that everyone around you has been checked allows you to have more fun. You can have a blast without worrying that someone may have brought something unsafe.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to attend more parties at school. It’s a nice break from all the stress of schoolwork, and sometimes all you need is some time to have fun and let loose.