Perhaps this may offend some people. Oh well, here it is goes. I recently came across an article online regarding a “beauty” pageant that involves severely overweight women. There were two size categories competing, “size 14-20 and size 22-36.” Also, the women competed “in day wear, evening wear and lounge wear segments.” Now I am not for all women being bony and emaciated looking. I do not think women should have the figures of 12 year old boys. But come on, I’m 5’10’’ and I have quite the hearty appetite, (as many know me for), and I can still swing a size 4-6 and it is NOT my metabolism because I live a very active lifestyle so I do not pity those who use the excuse of having a “poor metabolism.” The issue of appearance is not as important as the issue of health. It’s as if America is promoting being overweight as something to celebrate rather than look at the long term effects it has on an individual’s health. “We have so many women that may have had a baby and/or may have gotten married and/or may not look that size they did when they were in high school, but they’re still gorgeous, beautiful and they’ve moved on with their life.” Moving on with their life?? I didn’t realize aging and moving onto the next chapter in your life means putting on an excess of 40 lbs. Having a child, getting married and getting a decade or so older should not give you the green light to blow up like a parade balloon, but on the contrary it should motivate you to live a healthier lifestyle for your spouse and/or your child(ren). It disturbs me when I see severely overweight families and overweight children. Do parents not realize that satisfying every junk food craving of their kids is actually hurting them both physically and psychologically rather than helping them. That’s a whole different issue that I will probably touch on at a later date. Getting back to this pageant. Women, need to take responsibility for their health and stop blaming their weight and health issues on being tired, having a poor metabolism, poor genetics or just not having the time to be healthy. It all comes down to science, if you overeat the calories will pack on the pounds. It’s ok to eat, but its not ok to sit on your behind while it grows.