
Here’s a rant.

I spoke to President Muyskens and Vice-President Sue Henderson last year, when they had invited the volleyball team out for a luncheon at her house.

Our team, being almost entirely international, had something to say about the school’s scholarship situation.
Why does CUNY Queens College not have any scholarships whatsoever to international students here on an F-1 student visa?

Look at Queens. It’s such a diverse community, and QC prides itself on diversity on campus. There are so many interesting classes being taught here at QC that are based on the diversity of NY.

I called the Scholarship offices at QC last week. Someone picked up the phone, and I said, “Hi, my name is Jin-Xiang and I would like to see if there are scholarship opportunities for me here at QC.”

The woman had a nice tone, and she asked, “Sure, you can set up an appointment with us or check our website for more scholarship information.”

I immediately replied, “Yes, I have, but I don’t see any scholarships for international students.”

“Oh, are you an international student on an F-1?”


“Sorry. There is nothing available to international students. Thank you.”




How is that even possible? Why is it that other CUNY schools have scholarships for international students, like Brooklyn College, Hunter, etc. and not for Queens? I just don’t understand.

Quite honestly, I don’t know how things work in bureaucracies. I don’t. Someone please educate me. The other day, I heard by word of mouth that the chancellor had come to the school and spoke to some students about tuition and budget cuts and so forth, but only Macaulay Honors College students were invited.


I don’t know if this is true or not, so don’t quote me on this, but someone tell me if you know this is true.

Macaulay students don’t pay tuition!

And the whole system is flawed anyway. If you are a good test taker,no matter if you are an intelligent human being or not, you will get good scores on the SAT. and you won’t have to pay for your education.


I’m just a little upset at the whole situation.

Coming back to when I spoke to President and VP at VP Sue Henderson’s house, I spoke to them about the situation and THEY WEREN’T EVEN AWARE THAT THERE WERE NO SCHOLARSHIPS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. First of all, communication between… just everyone needs to improve here. But that’s out of the question.

I pay 18,000 dollars PER YEAR to come to this school.

I’m sorry. If you are complaining about tuition as a NY resident, don’t talk to me.

Either way, if I had the time, I’d organize some sort of thing to do some real research and try to change things at this school, but it doesn’t seem like I’m going to have any time while I’m here BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT MY SCHOOLWORK. That’s not the students’ job anyway.

Ok. I think I’m done ranting for tonight.