Here we are, at another end of a semester.
I feel as if the semester was just a dream- though I would hate to wake up one morning and realize we are still at the beginning of the semester.
It’s Saturday night, and I am going to go party it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!!
That’s definitely not my life… I’m sitting at the 2nd floor lounge of the music building typing away furiously at the end of the semester.
Speaking of which, I think I’m going to experience the end of the world in less than 2 and a half hours?
If that happens, I will…
1. no longer have to study for my finals on monday, tuesday, and wednesday.
2. I will miss living on earth.
3. If this is the end, then… I’d be pretty disappointed at my shame in not accomplishing enough.
Either way, I don’t care.
Whoever thinks (thought) it was going to be the last day of the world, you must be crazy. I just don’t understand people sometimes… actually, most of the time, I don’t understand people. I don’t even understand myself most of the time. How should I even attempt to understand others? Silly.
Anyway, end of the semester, end of the world, –
whatever it is, I just keep chugging along.
Hopefully we are not all too stressed out. Just remember to:
1. Have the courage to say “no” to your friends even if they are inviting you to their backyard to have a campfire and yummy s’mores (or smores- can be spelled either way, wikipedia says, but I have to admit, if you spell it “s’mores” you’ll sound a lot smarter, says the Asian).
2. Don’t eat too much, you will get too tired to think .
3. Take a break from the computer- especially if you are writing an essay of some sort or doing research (which nowadays means staring at the computer). Speaking of research, people should learn to get off the computer and get to the library sometimes. I know it might be a bit outdated (especially the music school library, which has apparently stopped all subscriptions to recent journals since year 2000 or something…). The library is a good friend. Unless you are looking for specifically recent information, use the library. Read something for a change. People nowadays don’t read. LEARN TO GO TO A PARK, SIT ON A BENCH, and JUST READ. (says the blogger. psheeesh).
Oh right, I was listing things:
4. Be nice to your fellow friends and colleagues. You might not notice that you are a little too stressed and may let it out on your closest friends at times. Just take a deep breath, and let it subside and float away. Mellow, friends, mellow.
5. Just think… in less than a week, you will be done with this semester, off to the summer, (hope none of you reading this will be taking summer courses… – why would anyone do that?!?!! says the Asian who took a weekend class for the past two semesters), and you’ll be seeing family (I know I will be on the other side of the planet!) and friends, and enjoying the weather.
So, all in all, just keep chugging along.
Trust me, the end of the semester may be near, but the end of the world is not. Do your best, and good luck.