Today morning I took my Accounting 101 final exam. I came home with a huge headache (might be due to the fact that I didn’t have to be seated in a classroom by 8:00 a.m. since high school). Or it might just have been the semi-all-nighter that I had pulled. Even though Accounting is not my cup of tea, I think I did not do too bad on the exam.
Today marks the end of this semesters final exams, projects, and papers. I feel relieved, but at the same time, I know I have a lot ahead of me. I’m still in search of summer jobs, and I’m still working on getting myself better.
This coming Memorial Day weekend, I’m going to a convention in Hartford, Connecticut with my family. So it will kind of be like a semi-road trip across the north-eastern part of the U.S. Maybe not… but I’m pretty sure there will be some gas-station stops along the way. I’m looking forward to the weekend.
I wish everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day.
Before I conclude this post, I’d like to add a 10 second clip that I shot as part of an assignment for my moviemaking class. It’s from a project that focused on sensory perception. This clip is on the sense of touch and hearing:
I know I already posted the clip, but here’s the same clip with a more easy-access reach to it: