Fracking The Economy

Hydraulic fracturing offers economic boost and prosperity by utilizing the natural gas stored in rocks deep in the ground. Hydrofracking has made it possible to do something that was once too expensive to do. However, hydrofracking is not all good, and as much as energy companies do not want people to focus on its negative […]

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Storyboard images

I’ve decided to post some images that I have used to help create my storyboard for a student short that I’m doing for my Moviemaking class.  These images are an inspiration for the look and feel of my short film, and I hope to show the final edit of the film very soon in another […]

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(from the dispatch desk of city room nerve-wracker, Mac Jasper) Listen to Jasper’s broadcast here: Veg BBQ III ‘Tis the sesquicentennial of the War of Rebellion, the War of Northern Aggression, the War for Southern Independence, the War Between the States, Johnny Reb v. Billy Yank … but friend it’s all the American Civil War […]

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