Dialectical Association

When I’m hard pressed for grammatical and social correctness, I often times choose an abstract route in blowing off steam. Speaking of smoke and mirrors, hippies & lost causes:

Occupi-Indoctri-Nation. Broken Paradigms, hurtful names, and SLANDER. Judging a steak without a cow, a stake without an investment is incomplete.
Oxymoronic: Friendly arguments, productive disorder, dissensus, disagreement of status quo. Status in general – General assemblies.

Climb the stairs, rung by rung. Only to see it barred off, under construction.
Empathy has borders, a (non street) wise individual once said “We can’t change the world, Laura”  along the lines of stick to your place. And enjoy it. Just as those tumultuously experiencing the daily grindstone are. Empathy has borders, eh?

Numbers are only so reflective. Effective only through our own assessments.
‘yesterday in the news…’
Whose news? Since when is X & Y a development. They are simply letters in the alphabet..
Since when does 9% matter, poverty rates matter. They are just #s. Fabricated in the past in order to predict a grim future. We are not numbers; we need them.

There is magic in discovering the betrayer among the indigent – brains washed and hung out to dry in the cool sun. After 7 hours of structural indoctrination, of which I was fully prepared for, I was freed unto the city to the close of what seemed a beautiful day for many. With the tray of horribly nutritious free food I scored from the clueless team leaders I made my way with an ally to camp. There were random mouths to feed, a drum and painting circle to smile about and the usual chaotic run arounds for the 8 day dwellers of the Financial district.

(The First demand is the right to pitch tents and other temporary structures to peacefully assemble here) -There are yet to be “formal demands”

Stirring the stew of consciousness on a humid Fall day. A baby pitbull sighs heavily and stretches across a damp green mat; the assembly begins.
Mic- Check 3 times over. It’s urgent, 4 hours will go by and consensus will have heightened some. Mine eyes are blind to the transcendence, it’s not physical. It’s happening all around us, minutely, rapidly, like the invisible millisecond hand on a clock.