Recently, I stumbled across a blog that’s changed the way I view life and handle certain situations.
It’s called The Positivity Blog and it’s awesome. The entries aren’t too lengthy, or boring, or difficult to read. They’re relevant to everyone and everyday life. I feel the need to share it because I think that it can help even the most pessimistic people.
I’m a worry wart. I worry about things, over-think things, and imagine the worst possible outcomes for any given situation. I think that’s why I only tend to stay in my comfort zone. Upon the discovery of this blog, I can say that it’s changed the way I think.
The entries vary from how to break a bad habit, how to handle criticism, how to quit worrying about meaningless things, how to stop comparing yourself to others, and so much more. Because let’s face it- there’s a lot more nagtivity in the world than there should be. It just prevents people from living a happy life, and happiness is supposed to be the key to life, isn’t it? I believe so.
I also believe that words are a VERY powerful thing. They can make or break you. They can change your life. They can change your viewpoint. That’s just the magic of words. This blog is an example of that. Just by reading some entries when I’m feeling down, it’s helped improve my mood. Words tend to have that impact on me.
Here’s an excerpt from an entry about overcoming failure:
“Failure is something that may need to be redefined within your mind. It’s not something to attach too much meaning to. But people do though.
If you look at successful people then you see that they have an abundance mentality. They know there are new chances and opportunities if they fail. And that there are lessons to be learned from failures. Those failures are necessary to achieve success. Without them you don’t get the feedback that is essential for your future success. And by making mistakes for yourself you get experience. Reading about someone else’s mistake or knowledge isn’t the same thing as experiencing it for yourself.
Failure is a learning experience. It can help you. But first you have to try. Without trying you aren’t going anywhere.”
Motivating already, isn’t it?
One entry that REALLY stuck with me was one titled,” Three Small Habits That Will Help You To Move Out Of Your Comfort Zone“. I mean, c’mon. It’s like that entry was meant for me. It’s been a huge help in changing my mindset and keeping me from backing down from my goal this year.
So, I think we can all use some positivity in our lives. Our minds can be out worst enemy when it comes to wanting to try new things, so why not fight back just by reading?
I don’t know about you guys, but I need to bookmark this site on my computer and my phone. It’s the perfect motivation for my mission and just life in general.