
I have been swamped with schoolwork.

The last thing I want to do when I come home from classes is to do homework for the rest of the night, but that’s been the case for what seems like weeks now. There are midterms coming up, along with deadlines for eight-page papers, and it’s all just a little overwhelming.

It leaves very little time to do anything “fun” and I feel like it has momentarily stalled my desire to put myself out there and be more outgoing. I’ve been so absorbed in the schoolwork that my goal for this year has been put on the back burner. I was hoping I wouldn’t fall into a rut, but it’s happened. Again.

I think I just need to encourage myself to keep trying. Once the schoolwork lessens, I need to go back to maintaining a consistently positive attitude. That’s kind of ironic, considering my last post.

Unsurprisingly, I’m going to go and start a paper for my Comparative Lit class the minute I’m done writing this. That moment is now.
