The End

I’ve put off writing about finishing up for a while.  It’s been a whirlwind of emotions.

As I’ve never really loved college [or should I say the “experience” of college]  I always assumed I’d be thrilled to be done.  Truthfully, I found myself feeling quite the opposite.  I’ve been a student for over three-quarters of my life and so I suppose I feel a bit lost.  I definitely won’t miss commuting [my last time on the bus almost brought me to tears of joy] or the ever so frustrating registering for classes.  I won’t miss writing papers or 100 page plus reading assignments.

What I will miss is learning.   The wonderfully talented actress Natalie Portman was quoted in saying “I don’t love studying. I hate studying. I like learning. Learning is beautiful”.  It may sound cheesy, but I loved nothing more than immersing myself in a different culture or a dynamic lecture by a great professor.  I know that I have the options to continue on with graduate school, but even so I can’t help but feel slightly sad about being “done”.  I’ve never been a fan of finality.