I always start a new semester with mixed feelings. On one hand, there’s that melancholy about the fact that vacation is over and so are the days of being lazy. The days of being allowed to do absolutely nothing come to a close, as does the ability to go out on a weekday night without worrying about having to be somewhere the next day.
However, there’s also some excitement at the beginning of a new semester. After all, being lazy is only enjoyable for so long. I generally always look forward to my classes and to new experiences, and I’ll admit, I really do like being busy. I know we all admit to hating having a lot of work to do, but I think most would agree that there’s something very satisfying about getting said work done. Being busy keeps life going!
This first week of the Spring 2012 semester was pretty good. The only thing I don’t like about it so far is that I have to wake up at the crack of dawn every day, something that I haven’t had to do since high school. Last semester taught me that it’s better to get classes over with in the morning rather than have to take classes until the sun goes down. My energy level is terrible at 5 in the afternoon, really.
I always start a new semester with a couple goals, goals that may or may not be reached by the end of these four months. I want to study harder, focus better, and try not to let myself stress out too much. No procrastinating!
So far so good. Now I’m just wondering how long before I start slacking!