Losing focus

I felt sick.

I drank lots of water and went to bed.

I woke up and still felt sick.

Day 3: still sick.

Day 4: Went to class. As I sang in the choir I felt out of breath, feeling faint. I thought to myself… “still sick.”

As I started crying from back pains during class, I left the classroom to rest. “I just need to get through this day.”

20 minutes later, as I entered the room, the class was dismissed, and I was left to nothing but the same feeling of pain.

“Still sick.” “Still in pain.”

My friends insisted I go to the doctor. “I just need to turn in this homework for my next class.” I made it through free hour and made it to my next class as I hobbled in, sat, and felt delirious as the professor’s voice seemed muddled… and started … to fade….

I opened my eyes.



“Don’t lose yourself.”



“But I don’t have insurance.”

“But I have to go to class.”

“But I have to turn in homework.”



As I sat in the medical clinic’s white-walled waiting room, I thought, “$110 and a lecture missed.”

Was it worth it? TOTALLY.


Sometimes being too focused… is losing focus.

Health first. Health first. Health… first.