Some days

Some days, most days in fact, it’s still hard for me to believe that I’m in NYC.  I don’t think I ever imagined that I would spend my days on subways, listening to my IPOD and making sure I stay awake so I don’t miss my stop.  I didn’t think I would be sitting in bars or shopping in stores that are completely packed with people.  I didn’t think I would ever be living any place like this.

It’s been 6 months.  I’m in New York but it doesn’t feel quite like home just yet.  I don’t know when or if that feeling will every come.  What I do know is that every day that I spend in the city, in this new life, is an accomplishment.  Riding the subway is not hard but if you’re used to driving around everywhere it can be a bit intimidating at first. It’s an accomplishment every time I get on the train and get to where I’m going.  I’m learning my way around the city.  I’m meeting people.  I’m walking around and getting a feel for things.  I go out just because.  I may not have a specific place in mind, but I go out just to look around and experience the city.

It’s going to take time for everything to come into place, and it’s going to take time for this city to feel like home instead of a temporary layover.  One thing that I’ve discovered while being here is that so many people were once in my place.  I’ve met so many people who aren’t from here.  They came from someplace else and had to start figuring out how to live in this city.  That’s what I’ve got to do.  Figure everything out.

I’m focusing on trying to enjoy this moment.  I want to take advantage of the fact that this whole experience actually happened.  I want to look back on this experience one day and have no regrets.  Right now, when I wake up every morning, I wake up in NYC.