
Hop into the backseat of adolescence. Rev the engine and arrive at the red light faster than the opposing lanes. Blasting the re-mixed mixes, your sunglasses shine in resilient sunlight. Your backseat is full of beautiful anatomy, flying tuffets of hair abased in the light winds of Springtime. Your raucus rebellion does not cease at […]

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The Need To Look Up

Whenever I leave campus during the evening, I look up at the clear night sky. First, I look for the moon, if it is visible. I then look at stars that have not been drowned out by light pollution. Finally, I look for Jupiter and Venus, which have recently been particularly visible. There is something […]

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Just wondering

What does it mean to accomplish something?  What does it mean to achieve something?  What does it mean to succeed?  I’ve read somewhere (I don’t remember if it was on the internet or in a newspaper) that people define themselves by what they do.  If you ask someone what they do, they will usually respond […]

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We will all be rejected for something or from something in life. I’m a voluntary editor for my school’s literary magazine, Ozone Park Journal (here’s the link if you want to check it out:  The magazine accepts poetry, fiction, plays, graphic novels, non-fiction and translations.  Last semester was my first semester as one of […]

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 [Lake Ashi @ Hakone] Hakone an area located about an hour or so away from Tokyo. Hakone is a wonderful place full of onsen [hot springs], nature and sites to see. It’s great if you feel like going hiking through for the day and relaxing in the onsen during the night time. As an overseas visitor […]

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