I’ve been starting to think about what I need to do in the summer. Unfortunately, I’m not someone who gets to travel every summer or go to beach trip after beach trip. That’s why I need a more practical (read: affordable) approach. My main goal is to get a job, preferably one on campus. I’ve never had a steady income, and I think it’s about time I did. I’ve always been applying to various retail places, which is nerve wracking thanks to my lack of work experience.
I am also planning on taking a summer class if I fail in finding a job. It’s funny, because I always told myself I wouldn’t ever take a class in the summer. All that time to sleep in? Why would I turn that down? But I see things a little differently now. I’d rather be productive throughout the summer, and get some credits taken care of. I’m expected to graduate in 2014, but there’s still quite a bit of work left to do. Taking a class can only be beneficial.
I hope.